Prescription drug abuse in the workplace is on the rise and is a major threat to workplace safety. Statistics show that 45 people die every day from painkiller abuse, more than cocaine and heroin. It also accounts for 10% of worker compensation claims. Controlled substances, such as opioid painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, hypnotics and sedatives can directly affect ability to think and perform in the workplace. Prescription drug use is the second most abused drug, marijuana being number one.
Some of the main occupations that seem to have more prescription drug abuse are but not limited to:
- Food service or food preparation workers
Most companies offer EAP (Employee Assistance Programs) where they help determine if the worker is addicted and determine the best addiction treatment centers available.
There has been a trend for Doctors to overprescribe drugs for such chronic conditions as lower back pain, and arthritis, to name a few. Because of the rise of volume-based practices, many Doctors do not take the time to get to address the real issues behind the condition. The growing availability of obtaining controlled medications on the internet is also a major concern. Most workers using prescription painkillers work full-time. Employers should require verification of the medication and be able to ensure work safety to the worker and co-workers.
Worker’s compensation plans have estimated they spend about $1.4 million for narcotics on injured workers. The interesting data also shows that by taking excess painkillers the healing process is slowed down. Many patients also end up addicted to these opioids and then require more to relieve any pain. There are many inpatient and out-patient rehab places that are dedicated to helping.
There are various factors that can contribute to abusing prescription drugs in the workplace. If someone is already using prescription painkillers these factors may precipitate the abuse of them:
The cost of prescription drug abuse on a business can be direct and indirect. The estimated cost for businesses is $81 billion dollars yearly. The largest costs are:
There are many drug treatment programs that specialize in prescription drug addiction. Medical specialists and addiction councilors are instrumental in the initial detox from the drugs as there are dangers to stopping these drugs abruptly.