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August 25, 2014

Choosing between an inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment center There are different types of addiction treatment centers. These can either be classified as outpatient or inpatient drug rehab facilities. An inpatient program is a facility where the patient is supposed to live 24 hours in a day. An outpatient program involves the patient

Coronary artery spasm is a pain (discomfort) in the chest. It is caused by the constriction of coronary arteries which supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart. The constriction occurs due to tightening of the smooth muscles in the arteries of the heart. Coronary artery spasms can be mild, moderate or severe. In some cases

Russel Brand has been sober, not using drugs or alcohol for 10 years. Russel has successfully maintained his sobriety through the use of a sponsor and a fellowship program. Russel has also used his now famous battle with addiction to bring surviving drug and alcohol abuse to the fore. He has partnered with Comic Relief

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs, Are Drug Courts the Answer Credits: The original clip is from “Newsnight,” a television show where Jeremy Paxman shouts at politicians over their incompetency to complete an adult task. The segment was specifically about drug courts (in which former addicts might sit as magistrates). That gentleman arguing with Matthew Perry

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